Oakland United, convened by EBASE, is a long-standing coalition of Oakland residents, workers, labor unions, community organizations, youth & faith groups that has been engaged in advocacy around Coliseum development proposals since 2015. Our coalition believes that fair development on public land should include good jobs for local residents, significant affordable housing and displacement protections, environmental impact measures and clean energy infrastructure, investments in our existing neighborhoods and youth, community enforcement, and other community needs.
Our coalition will negotiate with the African American Sports & Entertainment Group (AASEG), a developer that has proposed a development on the Coliseum site that has an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with the City of Oakland, to create a comprehensive Community Benefits Agreement for the development. Through this agreement, this project could improve the lives of Oakland residents by providing meaningful economic opportunities, housing stability, and environmental safeguards.

Get Involved Today to Help Shape the Oakland Coliseum Redevelopment
Share what you want to see at the Oakland Coliseum! For over half a century, it has been a mainstay in the lives of Oakland residents. We are committed to keeping it that way by prioritizing the voices of East Oakland and other city residents by ensuring that we hear directly from you about what the project should include to really benefit local Oakland residents, families, and communities.

Support good jobs, affordable housing, & a healthy environment at the Coliseum site! This project on public land has the potential to reinvigorate East Oakland and improve the lives of residents by providing meaningful economic opportunities, housing stability, and environmental safeguards. Sign our petition now to help make this happen!

Who We Are: The Oakland United Coalition is a group of community, labor and faith organizations representing thousands of Oakland residents fighting for good jobs, affordable housing, and a healthy environment. Our organizational partners include: East Bay Alliance For a Sustainable Economy, East Bay Housing Organizations, Communities for a Better Environment, Faith Alliance for a Moral Economy, UNITE HERE Local 2, PowerSwitch Action, Public Advocates, Causa Justa :: Just Cause, and Youth Spirit Artworks.