
Fair Labor Oakland (FLO) is a coalition of organizations centering low-wage workers. We work with the City of Oakland to educate workers on their rights under Measure FF  – Oakland Minimum Wage (2014) and Sick Leave and Measure Z – Oakland Hotel Minimum Wage (2019). We also support workers in filing claims with the Department of Workplace and Employment Standards when their workplace rights have been violated.

Participating Organizations + Contact Information

Founded in 1969, Centro Legal de la Raza is a legal services agency protecting and advancing the rights of low-income, immigrant, Black, and Latinx communities through bilingual legal representation, education, and advocacy. By combining quality legal services with know-your-rights education and youth development, Centro Legal de la Raza ensures access to justice for thousands of individuals throughout Northern and Central California.

Contact: info@centrolegal.org

Founded in 1972, the Chinese Progressive Association educates, organizes and empowers the low income and working class immigrant Chinese community in the San Francisco Bay Area to build collective power with other oppressed communities to demand better living and working conditions and justice for all people.

Contact: Jenny Huang jenny.huang@cpasf.org

The East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy (EBASE) advances economic, racial, and social justice by building a just economy based on good jobs and healthy communities. We address the root causes of economic injustice by developing strategic alliances among community, labor, and people of faith to build power and create change with low–income workers and communities of color.

Contact: Hannah Zucherman hannah@workingeastbay.org

ROC the Bay is a food-service workers’ rights organization working to build a future with higher wages, better working conditions, and greater equity for us all in the Bay Area since 2010. We work to improve restaurant workers’ lives by building worker power and uniting workers of various backgrounds around shared goals and values.

Contact: DjeRae Lucas djerae@rocunited.org

Founded in Oakland, California, the mission of Roots Community Health Center is to uplift those impacted by systemic inequities and poverty. We accomplish this through medical and behavioral health care, health navigation, workforce enterprises, housing, outreach, and advocacy. 

Contact: Uthman Ahmad uthman.ahmad@rootsclinic.org

Street Level Health Project is an Oakland-based community center dedicated to improving the wellbeing of underinsured, uninsured, and recently arrived immigrants in Alameda County.

Contact: Victor Moreno victor@streetlevelhealthproject.org

Know Your Rights

Click on the notices below from the City of Oakland to read about minimum wages, paid sick leave, hotel employee protections, and service charges. 

FLO also hosts know-your-rights trainings on a regular basis. 

How to File a Claim

If you think you are experiencing any violations of your rights, please contact any of the above organizations. We will be happy to guide you though the process of filing a claim and advocate for you and your rights thoughout the process.

Oakland Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES)

Measure FF + Measure Z Claims Forms

Other Labor Violation Claims Forms

Additional Resources

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