You may have heard that the City of Oakland wants to build new stadiums for the Raiders and the A’s, but did you know that the development could also include hotels, retail and tech office space, and thousands of new housing units? Potential developers have come and gone, but the community and its demands remain the same: we want public land for public good on Coliseum City!
Coliseum City will develop hundreds of acres of public land and dramatically change the face of East Oakland. The heart and soul of our city is at stake.
We have a choice: do we want a corporate development that caters to wealthy, out-of-town professionals, pushing long-term residents out? Or will we create an authentic Oakland neighborhood that preserves our diverse cultural fabric, allowing the existing community to not only stay but flourish?
No matter who the developer is, we want to ensure that Oakland remains a place where everyone can afford to live, work, play, and worship. For that to happen, we need a community-driven development plan for Coliseum City that ensures good jobs, affordable housing, clean air, and accessible transit.
Through door-to-door and congregational outreach, the Oakland United coalition has identified more than 5,000 people who believe that this project on public land must serve the public good with public benefits. If done right, Coliseum City could create jobs and opportunities for local residents.
We call on Alameda County and the City of Oakland to create a new development process that includes a contract with the community. Any new developers brought to the table must be interested in working with existing residents and workers.
Call or tweet elected leaders: Tell them that no matter who develops Coliseum City, they need to include the community in all negotiations. We want a community benefits agreement that guarantees good jobs, affordable housing, accessible transit, and a healthy environment. Public land for public good!
#Coliseum4All #PublicLand4PublicGood #Oakland United
Mayor Schaaf: 510-238-3141 @LibbySchaaf
Lynette McElhaney: 510-238-7003 @LynetteGM
Rebecca Kaplan: 510-238-7008 @Kaplan4Oakland
Anne Campbell Washington: 510-238-7004 @AnnieForOakland
Larry Reid: 510-238-7007
Desley Brooks: 510-238-7006 @DesleyB
Noel Gallo: 510-238-7005 @NoelGallo5
Abel Guillen: 510-238-7002 @Abel_Guillen
Dan Kalb: 510-238-7001 @DanKalb
EBASE and FAME are part of the Oakland United Coalition of residents, workers, faith leaders, and youth. We represent tens of thousands of individuals who believe that if done right, the Coliseum City project has the potential to transform East Oakland by creating good jobs for local resident, affordable housing, cleaner air, and accessible transit. Oakland United also includes ACCE, Building Trades Council (Alameda County), Causa Justa::Just Cause, Communities for a Better Environment, East Bay Housing Organizations, Public Advocates, Oakland Community Organizations, SEIU-USWW, Urban Peace Movement, and UNITE HERE Local 2850.