Concord families have been struggling for far too long from skyrocketing rents and being unjustly pushed out of their homes. Now is the time for the City of Concord to take action to put families first and help bring housing stability for all. By passing Rent Stabilization and Just Cause Ordinances, Concord can help make this possible. We know these policies will help make Concord a more inclusive and diverse city where service workers, teachers, childcare providers, janitors and those on fixed incomes can afford to live and nurture or develop deep and lasting ties across our city.
Attend the next Concord City Council Meeting and stand in solidarity with Concord families and seniors in asking for a strong Rent Stabilization and Just Cause ordinance.
January 30, 2024, 6:00pm
Concord City Council Chambers – 1950 Parkside Drive, Concord, CA
Information about Rent Stabilization and Just Cause from Concord Stakeholder Webinar
Our Raise the Roof coalition partnered with PolicyLink for a Community Call to Action webinar on Thursday, August 24th. Attendees learned the true social and economic costs of Concord’s housing affordability crisis, and why rent stabilization and just cause eviction protections are the essential next steps for the city. Policy experts and community leaders addressed the effectiveness of these policies, dispelled common misconceptions, and equipped participants to advocate for a truly meaningful ordinance that will protect Concord families and residents across the city. This critical conversation is timely as the Concord City Council will be discussing these policies this fall, beginning on September 5th. This meeting will determine what the City will prioritize when drafting them in November. Check out the resources from the webinar below.
Who Are We: Raise the Roof is a coalition representing tens of thousands of Contra Costa residents, workers, and people of faith. We are the Ensuring Opportunity Campaign to End Poverty in Contra Costa County; East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy (EBASE); Monument Impact; The Faith Alliance for a Moral Economy (FAME); Lift Up Contra Costa (LUCC); Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE); the Contra Costa Labor Council; Rising Juntos (formerly CCRG); Centro Legal de la Raza.